August 25, 2007

Speech by Constance Singam, AWARE President

An inspiring speech by Ms Constance Singam, AWARE President... .

Sharing a real story about a girl struggling with her self-image and the way she looks. She eats only a banana for breakfast and upon probing, she said she didn't like her ears, your eyes, and face face, and if she saved enough money, shw would do something about it.
Constance: Once you start changing, you will never stop, because you will never be satisfied with yourself.... I'm very proud of these girls, they are empowered and strong enough. They don't need anything, they are good themselves. You are proud of who you are and what you are. This is what AWARE is trying to do in the long term - to be proud of who you are, to stand up for who you are. Never allow anybody, the media, the advertising agencies, those who sell you cosmetics, slimming pills... You must know that you are good enough. That's what AWARE does and hope to inspire young women to stand up for your rights, you are good as you are. And all that screaming should be for standing up for who you are and what you stand up for. *CHEERS*

These girls have done a marvellous job for raising funds for AWARE on their project and it is very relevant for women of their age group... And to share with you all, what AWARE has done over the last 21 years, go in and want to help other people, in fact, you help yourself, and you grow in that process. And if you ask these girls here, (if you have time), they will tell you that they have grown in the process. Everything that they have done in the last few weeks(4months), they have become empowered as a result. When you are doing something for others, you are actually helping yourself, you are growing in that process. And for all the Interact Club members (Interactors)..(come on up here.. in your beautiful t-shirts) making a difference to your community and that is empowering in itself. Never let anybody tell you that you are less than themselves...Aware is trying to change the value system where every individual is respected for what they are - for who she or he is - respect for individual. Never let any young man dominate you...alright...~cheers~ You are as just means that you will be a better person in any relationship. (To young men in the crowd) And you treat your young women as equals and that's what is important.
And the BIG Thank you...

Thank you for raising funds for AWARE, to help us come up with more meaningful programmes. for you. And these wonderful young women did it all by themselves... can the interact club members please come up here.

It has been a long time since I was with young screaming women...
Thank you very much... it has been a night filled with laughter, fun and screams..

Team leader Synafina thanks everyone for their support and help in making this event a successful one :) 3 Cheers!!!

and a beautiful finale for the Interact Club, families and TKGS volunteers, sponsors, and supporters of this event and everyone who has helped in one way or another

Cheers to the GIRLGEMS Team!
Left to right: Siti nurbuwwah, Nadiah bte yuseli, Chai Pei Shan (AWARE and ex-TKGS),
Syafiqah syazwani, Nurul syafina

hey everybody, we're from tkg
and this is our philosophy
it aint no matter who we fight
we don't shiver and we don't fear
with tk spirit we'll do no wrong
We'll show our courage and beat them all
so we dare you to come and fight
cause tk will never lose our pride

Come on everybody, let’s do the tk rap
we gonna boom boom shake the walls

we gonna boom boom shake the floors
You gonna get on get on down, you gonna get on down
you bet~
you gonna get on get on down, you gonna get on down

peishan join in the tk cheer... a true tk girl at heart

AWESOME performance and concert by The Wonders and TKGS Interact club!

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